• 奥斯汀城市天际线
  • 新闻报道

  • 星期六,2021年5月1日



    “大奥斯汀黑人商会对2021年5月选举的官方立场是经过仔细考虑的,我们的核心使命和目标是:支持实施有利于促进德克萨斯州中部黑人商业的政策. 我们由衷地相信,我们选出的官员有能力将黑人企业视为整个德州中部地区成功的组成部分,并在决策过程中反映这一观点. We encourage all voters in support of our Chambers mission to join us in our pursuits for Black economic success and development.” 

    提案A -消防员仲裁 

    大奥斯汀黑人商会支持既能保护黑人商业发展,又能优先考虑可获得和负担得起的住房,将其作为奥斯汀公民的公平权利的政策. 这一命题将公众对住房危机的理解框定为经济稳定的对立面,而现实是我们的城市不仅仅是反动的犯罪化. Criminalizing houselessness will not eliminate our community members facing a lack of housing security and it will in fact, disproportionately affect our black communities at large; which is in direct opposition to the  mission of our organization. 我们的组织认为,我们首先需要住房安全,因为奥斯汀目前的住房危机是导致城市范围内黑人人口减少的主要原因. The Greater Austin Black Chamber votes no to proposition B for its problematic ballot language with inherent geographic designation to say the least. It is clear that this policy was made without regard for the promotion of ALL Austin businesses.
    Our national housing crisis is inhumane by any stretch of the imagination and not good for anyone. 这种影响也延伸到了商业领域. Proposition B has problematic ballot language with geographic designation to say the least. 这个有40多年历史的会议厅, 一直在与种族不平等作斗争,不能支持任何可能将不成比例的黑人定罪的立法. We support policies that would assist the housing insecure and promote ALL business simultaneously. Unfortunately this proposal does neither and worse yet may exacerbate our ability to effectively fulfill our mission of economic prosperity.


    提案C -独立的警察监督
    It has always been integral that the success of police and community relations be rooted in a mutual understanding of transparency and accountability. 在确保市民的安全和繁荣方面,奥斯汀能够切实赶上的主要方法之一是任命一名独立的警察监督主任,通过他们的自主角色,将对细节进行强有力的关注,否则这些细节可能会被忽视,并对我们的社区关系产生不利影响. 

    提案D -市长选举日期
    It goes without saying that our city and state at large have numerous opportunities to meet our citizens halfway in regards to our voter regime. 优先考虑选民权益之所以如此重要,部分原因在于,这样我们就可以在民意调查中看到我们城市的准确写照. 实现这一目标的一种方法是将市长选举与总统任期而不是州长任期相一致. 如果我们想提高投票率, 这种调整将为选民教育提供更全面的最佳时间,并最终解放选民,使他们能够代表他们所属的社区做出明智的决定,并跟踪重要的选举日期,减少犯错的空间.

    提案E -排名选择
    It is evident that we do not just want voter turnout but rather an attached sense of agency behind each vote cast. Part of voter equity also involves supporting voter literacy when it comes to understanding the platform of each potential candidate. Ranked voting will give voice to the volume of voter preferences that often go unvoiced if the option were not made available. 这将最终确保获胜的候选人能够广泛地吸引大多数选民,并提高选举的准确性,因为在这种情况下,决定获胜者的候选人差距要小得多.  

    提案F -市长议会模式
    从历史上看, 采用现行理事会经理制度, citizens have been able to rest assured that at a mayoral level there is an additional branch of feedback that is provided before policy is enacted. 事实证明,在代表我们的市长做出决定之前,需要进行必要的审查或重新考虑,这种反馈检查点的力量对广大公众来说是无价的. 取消这个职位不仅会危及我们作为一个社区曾经拥有的安全感,因为我们知道另一个领导人可以在单一的市长办公室之外提供政策见解. It goes without saying how vital the council manager position has been as a liaison between the public and the mayor. We needn’t consolidate the contrast in powers that were vested in the council manager if we are to see a balanced and just mayoral office in the future. 

    提案G -第11区议会分区
    City Council was strategic in coding the language of this proposition via splitting the items up between both prop F and G. Their intention was to find a way to still allow at least one item to take place without being “contingent” on the outcome of the former. 所有这一切都是为了实现他们的议程,一个偶数的理事会. 这一点在提案中是不言而喻的, the City Council is relying on the lack of literacy of their community members to decipher what these two propositions would result in specifically. We strongly encourage that both Prop F and G are rejected to avoid the dangers of an even number of council members. 

    It goes without saying that the contents of prop H aim to dually level the playing field from the voter perspective as well as a candidate perspective. 一方面,一方面, 我们的选民从来没有可支配的收入来把他们的收入投入到他们选择的政治竞选中,现在他们可以通过获得受保护的代金券来确保他们的参与,从而参与到对话中来. 这只能动员更多的低收入选民通过资助他们的竞选活动来代表他们自己和反映他们最大利益的候选人. 同样的, 我们更多的草根运动主要以社区为基础,由社区资助,它们不会面临恐吓,因为它们无法获得足够的财政支持,无法在选举中对抗特殊利益集团的资金. 这将增加我们选举过程的整体多样性和包容性. 

    提案A -消防员仲裁: GABC对加入消防员仲裁协议持中立态度. 

    提案B:禁止露营: The GABC decides NO on prop B because it does not promote equitable policy enforcement across the city, 或者平等地保护所有企业,更糟糕的是, 将不成比例的种族人口定为犯罪. 这项提议不会消除我们的住房危机, 或者为那些面临住房不安全的人提供解决方案.

    提案C:独立的警察监督: GABC决定YES. 警察监督主任可以确保始终指定一个角色来寻求我们警察部门的透明度和问责制,以加强社区关系. 

    D:提案 市长选举日期:GABC决定是. Simplify the voting process for all voters by consolidating mayoral elections to presidential election years instead of gubernatorial years. 

    艾凡:提案 排名选择:GABC决定YES. Ensure that winning candidates actually appeal broadly to the majority of voters by allowing voters to rank their preferences. 

    F:提案 市长-理事会模式:GABC决定NO. Save the Council Manager position and keep a balance of municipal power in alignment with the needs of the public.

    道具G: 第11区议会区:GABC决定NO. Keep the Council-Manager system in place and keep a larger concentration of power in the hands of the established districts. 一个额外的地区进一步分散和划分权力.

    支持H: 民主美元:GABC决定是. Levels the playing field to introduce a new wave of campaign support from traditionally non-donating voters. 允许每个登记选民在经济上支持候选人的努力. 

  • 反对德克萨斯州参议院第1号法案. 7声明

    我们认为德克萨斯州参议院法案. 7 as a clear threat to our democracy in the state of Texas and a microcosm for voter suppression of underrepresented communities across the nation. 该法案中提出的许多政策将阻碍德州人的投票权保障,尤其是对有色人种和残疾人的惩罚. The bill contains many proposed voting limitations including restrictions on voter eligibility, 减少投票时间和地点, 不合理的邮寄投票条件, and requires those with disabilities to provide proof to qualify for mail-in voting. 它还允许投票观察员对选民进行录像记录, 哪个是对隐私的侵犯,哪个是党派骚扰的途径. 德克萨斯州的立法者应该扩大投票的渠道,并使已经受到限制的程序现代化,使我们这个多元化的州的所有社区都能更容易地投票, 而不是相反. 因此,我们强烈反对TX SB7. 

    Tam Hawkins | GABC总裁 & 首席执行官

    纳尔逊E. 林德|全国有色人种协进会主席奥斯汀

    Dr. 科莱特·皮尔斯·伯内特,休斯顿蒂洛森大学校长

    Cloteal Davis Haynes | 首席执行官, Haynes- eaglin - waters, LLC

    牧师. Dr. 达里尔·霍顿|奥斯汀及附近浸信会牧师联盟主席

    约瑟牧师. 小帕克,.先生., D.最小值. |大卫教堂浸信会传教士教堂

  • 美国政治家奥斯汀

    ‘ENGAGE IN THE DAILY FIGHT:’ Leader of Austin black chamber of commerce points a path forward for business community

    By 洛丽·霍金斯

    Following the killing of George Floyd at the hands of a 最小值neapolis police officer and protests for social justice for black Americans, a number of Austin businesses have issued statements condemning police violence and pledging to increase diversity efforts.

    这会对奥斯汀的黑人社区产生有意义的影响吗, which has been largely on the sidelines of the region’s economic boom over the past decade?

    That depends on whether companies are willing to step beyond public relations to real action, 塔姆·霍金斯说, 大奥斯汀黑人商会的首席执行官.

    霍金斯说:“公司做出公开声明是件好事. “Now we’ve got to move beyond the discussion and beyond holding the pain and move forward to action.”

    《信誉购彩正版推荐》与霍金斯就奥斯汀黑人企业面临的挑战以及如何为奥斯汀黑人劳动力创造更多机会进行了交谈. 为简洁明了,采访内容经过编辑."


  • 信誉购彩正版推荐 信誉购彩正版推荐